Search Results for: bolivia constitution

Bolivian President Evo Morales resigned on Sunday and left for Mexico on Monday amid violent protests following the release of an audit by the American Organization of States, which found “irregularities” in the October election. Morales was granted political asylum by Mexico as protests between his supporters and the opposition party continued after his resignation. [...]


Human Rights Watch (HRW) accused Bolivia on Monday of undermining judicial independence in the country by arbitrarily dismissing nearly 100 judges since 2017 and called for the Organization of American States (OAS) to address the issue. The organization called for OAS to convene a meeting of its Permanent Council to address the ongoing changes to the Bolivian [...]


Toledo, Ohio residents last month overwhelmingly voted in favor of the innovative Lake Erie Bill of Rights (LEBOR), an amendment to the city charter which declares Lake Erie has enforceable legal rights. What that vote signals may turn out to be more important to Lake Erie than the well-intentioned but legally flawed LEBOR itself. LEBOR [...]


Bolivia’s Multinational Electoral Tribunal (OEP) announced late Tuesday that it had accepted current President Evo Morales’ bid for reelection, sparking protests in La Paz and a general strike on Thursday. Morales is the first indigenous president to be elected in Bolivia and has been in power since first assuming office 2006. Though Bolivia’s constitution limits presidents [...]


Bolivia President Evo Morales pardoned 1,800 prisoners on Saturday in a continued attempt to cut down on prison overcrowding . Those that Morales pardoned include inmates with sentences of less than five years, one-time offenders, prisoners...